Saturday, 5 February 2011

Researchers in Residence

Part of being a modern scientist involves outreach.  It is all very well being sat in your office or lab but if no one outside of the University has any idea what you are up to it is a bit pointless.  Science should be of value to people and knowledge, and in the modern climate taxpayers want to know what happens to money that goes to Research Councils that fund UK science.  As a result, the Research Councils (rightly) ask their funded researchers to take part in some outreach activities.
I personally believe there is a lot of power in taking science from inside the nations Universities out to young people.  Young people have a hunger for knowledge, they will be the scientists of the future and they have great influence on the older generations by talking with enthusiasm to their peers, parents, grandparents and sometimes the dog!  As a result, I have decided to take part in the Research Council UK and Welcome Trust Funded Researchers in Residence Scheme (  This scheme places researchers in secondary schools and colleges to engage young people with up-to-date research to stimulate their interests and motivation in the social, physical, life and earth sciences and the humanities.  Through this blog, I aim to record some of my experiences on the scheme, some of the ideas I have had and some reflection on the process.

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